14 Virtual Job Interview Tips

Virtual Job Interview Tips

Are you getting ready for a virtual job interview? It can be pretty nerve-wracking! But don't worry - we've got some tips to help make sure your interview goes smoothly.

A virtual job interview is an integral part of the job search process for many job seekers in the Philippines. With the rise of the digital age, an increasing number of companies are now offering online job interviews.

Giving job seekers the opportunity to secure employment without having to leave the comfort of their own homes. This article provides useful tips to help job seekers in the Philippines prepare for and succeed in a virtual job interview.

The virtual interview process starts from preparation to advice on your appearance. Also, body language, interview answering tips, and questions that you should be asking your interviewer. Let's start with what you should do to prepare for this type of interview.

What to Prepare For Your Virtual Job Interview?

It's important to be ready for a virtual job interview. Preparing ahead of time can help you set yourself up for success.

You'll want to practice common interview questions and get familiar with the technology you'll be using. It's also important to remember your body language.

Make sure you're sitting up straight and facing the camera when talking. This will show that you're engaged in the conversation.

Properly preparing for a job interview is an important part of making a good impression. Take some time to review the company's website and think through how you would answer possible questions.

Doing this will help make sure that your answers are on point during the interview. The more prepared you are, the better chance you have of getting the job!

1. Appropriate Technology Setup

Now that you're prepared for your virtual job interview, it's time to set up the right technology. Here are 4 key tips to help you get ready:

  1. Check your internet connection: Make sure you have a strong and reliable internet connection, so your video call won't be interrupted during the interview process.
  2. Test out your equipment: Try a practice call with a friend or family member using the same device and software that you'll be using for the interview. Make sure that all of your audio and video streams are working properly before going into your job interview.
  3. Check lighting and sound: If possible, try to do the video call in a place where there's plenty of natural light. Also, make sure that any background noise is minimized so that the interviewer can hear you clearly.
  4. Pick an appropriate backdrop: A plain wall or bookshelf makes for a great backdrop for your video call. Avoid busy patterns or too much clutter in the background as it may be distracting for both parties involved in the video interviewing process.

Being prepared with the right technology will help make sure your virtual job interview goes smoothly! Don't forget to check out our other articles on virtual job interviews if you want more information on making a good impression during this important process!

2. Professional Appearance

When it comes to job interviews, it's important to look the part. That means dressing professionally and projecting a professional attitude.

First impressions matter, and you don't want to give the wrong one! Make sure that you are well-groomed and dressed appropriately in business attire.

Pay attention to details like ironing your clothes and making sure your hair is neat. Maintaining good eye contact is also key during a virtual interview. It shows that you're engaged in the conversation and confident in your answers.

Another important tip is to be prepared for questions about yourself and your job application or resume. Have your answers ready, but make sure they sound natural when you say them out loud.

You should also have some questions of your own ready for the interviewer. This shows that you've done research on the company and understand what will be expected of you if hired.

Finally, explain what sets you apart from other applicants applying for the same position. What is your edge? Are there any special skills or experiences that make you stand out?

Knowing how to answer this question can help give you an advantage over other candidates, so take some time before the interview to think about how best to answer it!

3. Body Language

When you're going into a virtual job interview, it's important to remember to use the right body language. Body language can be just as important as verbal communication when it comes to making a good impression on the interviewer.

Here are some tips for making sure your body language is sending the right messages:

  1. Maintain eye contact with your interviewer. Make eye contact often and don't look away too much. Showing that you are paying attention and engaged in the conversation will help make a good impression on the interviewer.
  2. Smile and nod when appropriate. Smiling and nodding can show that you understand what is being said and that you are interested in the conversation. It also helps to build rapport with your interviewer, which is essential for any job interview, virtual or otherwise!
  3. Sit up straight and keep your hands visible. Sitting up straight shows that you are paying attention and taking the interview seriously. Keeping your hands visible will also show that you have nothing to hide and that you're comfortable with the conversation.
  4. Be aware of other family members in the background during your call center interview questions session. Don't be afraid to ask them to leave if needed or if they start speaking during your session, politely ask them to quiet down so as not to disrupt your call center interview questions session!

It's important to remember that body language can make or break an interview. Especially when it comes to those in-demand jobs such as virtual assistant jobs!

Remember these tips when preparing for a virtual job interview. Maintain eye contact, smile, sit up straight, keep your hands visible, and be aware of anyone else who may be around during your session.

4. Research The Company

Now that you know how to look confident and relaxed during a virtual job interview, it's time to think about what you are going to say. Researching the company is an important part of preparing for a successful virtual job interview.

Start by asking a friend or family member if they know anyone who works for the company or has interviewed with them recently. They can provide insight into what the person interviewing you will be looking for.

You can also ask them questions about their experience working with the company and find out what tips they can offer from their own experience. It's also important to research the company online.

Find out as much as you can about their products, services, history, and mission statement. This knowledge will help you understand how your skills could contribute to the success of the company.

It will also show that you are interested in learning more about what they do and how you can help them succeed in their business goals.

Another great way to prepare for a virtual job interview is by practicing answers. To common questions with a friend or family member who has done interviews before.

This way, you'll feel more confident when answering actual questions during your virtual job interview and be better prepared to answer tough questions that may come up as well.

You're one step closer to getting a high paid job! With all this preparation, you're sure to impress your interviewer with your knowledge of the company and what you can contribute to make it even better!

5. Be Punctual

It's a good idea to be punctual for your virtual job interview. Just like you would be on time for an in-person interview, make sure to be on time for your virtual job interview.

This is especially important when you're working from home because it shows employers that you are a responsible person who can handle the job.

To help make sure that you're punctual, set up your workspace in advance of the interview. With all of the necessary items such as your laptop, stationary and other materials.

Make sure there's a blank wall behind you so that the interviewer can focus on your face during the conversation. It's also a good idea to check that your internet connection is stable and reliable before starting the interview.

During the virtual job interview, be sure to stay focused and answer questions politely and professionally. Showing up late or having distractions will not give off a great impression to prospective employers.

Furthermore, try to keep eye contact with the interviewer by looking into the camera instead of at yourself on screen. This will give them more confidence in you!

When it comes time to end the conversation, thank the interviewer for their time. Ask any questions you may have about what comes next in the hiring process. Keeping these tips in mind will help ensure that you're punctual and prepared for your virtual job interview!

6. Respond With Confidence

Now that you know how important it is to be punctual for your virtual job interview, it's time to focus on the next step: responding with confidence! You want to make sure that you are expressing yourself clearly and confidently throughout the conversation.

Here are some tips on how to do this.

First, remember that pausing from time to time is perfectly okay. If you need a few extra seconds to think about what you want to say, it's totally fine - take those extra seconds! This will help keep the flow of the conversation as natural as possible.

Second, practice makes perfect! Before your interview, practice answering potential questions out loud with someone or in front of a mirror. This will help build up your confidence and ensure that you can respond naturally and confidently when the time comes.

Third, try not to overthink it. When answering questions, don't get too caught up in trying to make sure everything sounds perfect - just answer honestly and let your personality shine through! The more honest and confident you sound, the better impression you'll make on the interviewer.

Finally, stay positive! Even if something goes wrong or if you stumble over your words a bit during the interview, don't get discouraged. Everyone makes mistakes - just stay positive and carry on with confidence!

7. Ask Questions

Asking questions is a great way to show your interest and knowledge during an interview. It's important to ask the right questions so you can learn more about the job and company. Here are some tips for asking questions in a virtual interview:

First, make sure to research the company before the interview. That way, you'll have an idea of what questions to ask. When it's time for your interview, be prepared with a few thoughtful questions that show your knowledge of the company. For example, you could ask about their biggest successes or how they handle challenges.

Second, remember that it's okay to take notes while listening to the interviewer’s answers. If there’s anything you don't understand or want more information on, be sure to write it down so you can ask follow-up questions later on. Taking notes also shows that you're paying attention and taking the job seriously.

Third, keep in mind that some questions may be off-limits during a virtual job interview. Avoid asking questions about salary or benefits until after an offer has been made. Instead, focus on topics like career growth opportunities or what kind of culture they have at the organization.

Finally, be sure to thank the interviewer for his/her time when wrapping up the conversation. Asking thoughtful questions and listening closely can really help set yourself apart from other applicants!

8. Mind Your Tone & Volume

When you're in a virtual job interview, it's important to remember to mind your tone and volume. The way you speak can have a huge impact on how the interviewer perceives you. That's why it's important to make sure you sound confident and professional.

First, make sure that you speak clearly and not too quickly. Take your time when responding to questions, and be conscious of how your voice sounds. You don't want to sound rushed or overwhelmed.

Second, be mindful of your tone. You want to come across as polite and friendly but still professional. Make sure that you don't talk too loudly or too softly; find the right balance between being heard and not overwhelming the interviewer with your voice.

Finally, try practicing out loud before the interview so that you get used to speaking with confidence. This will help ensure that you have an even tone and volume throughout the interview, as well as help you stay calm during the process!

9. Follow-Up Communication

When an interview is over, it's important to follow up with the interviewer. This shows that you are interested and enthusiastic about the job.

You can do this by sending a thank-you note or email. It should include information about why you're excited about the job and how your skills fit into the company.

It's also a good idea to stay in contact with the employer after the interview. You can reach out to them periodically to make sure they remember you.

This could be as simple as asking questions about their company or sending them articles related to their industry. You should also use social media platforms such as LinkedIn to stay connected with potential employers.

This will help you build relationships and make sure they remember you when it comes time for hiring decisions. It's also a great way to network with other professionals in your field and increase your chances of getting hired.

Don't forget, staying in touch is key! It helps keep you top of mind so you have a better chance at being hired for the job you want.

10. Practice Interviewing Techniques

Practicing for a virtual job interview is important to get the job you want.

First, record yourself doing a mock interview. This will help you to recognize your body language and any verbal fillers such as "um" or "ah".

Second, practice with a friend or family member to get comfortable with speaking in front of people and answering challenging questions.

Third, research the company and prepare answers that can be tailored to their specific needs.

Finally, practice looking into the camera instead of looking away during the interview. This will help you appear confident and engaged while talking with the interviewer.

Make sure you also turn off any notifications on your computer or phone so that they don't distract you during the interview. Practicing these tips can help give you an edge over other applicants in a virtual job interview!

11. Rehearse Answers To Common Questions

Now that you've practiced your interviewing techniques, let's focus on preparing for the actual interview. Rehearsing answers to common questions can help you put your best foot forward and show off your skills.

First, make sure you know why you're applying for the job. Think of specific examples from your past experiences to back up that reason. This will help you answer questions about why you chose this particular job or company. Be ready with a few stories about how those experiences have prepared you for the role.

Next, be ready to talk about any gaps in your resume. If there are periods of time when you weren't working, explain what happened during those times and how it has contributed to your career development. Make sure to stay positive and be honest when talking about these issues - employers appreciate honesty!

Finally, practice answering questions about your strengths and weaknesses. Know ahead of time what kind of qualities would make you the ideal candidate for the job and make sure to mention them during the interview.

Also, be prepared to discuss areas that could use improvement. Don't be afraid to talk about weaknesses so long as they are followed up with strategies for overcoming them.

Be confident in your answers and always speak positively about yourself during interviews. It will go a long way towards making a good impression!

12. Utilize Available Resources

When it comes to preparing for a virtual job interview, resources are key. There are lots of tools and tips available to help you succeed. Here are four things you can do to make sure you make the most of the resources available:

  1. Research the company: You should take some time to learn about the company that you are interviewing with. Check out their website and any other materials they provide about their business. This will give you a better understanding of what they're looking for in a candidate and how you can best position yourself for success during the interview.
  2. Practice your answers: Before an interview, it's important to practice your answers to common questions. Think about what kinds of questions they might ask and be prepared with thoughtful responses that demonstrate your knowledge and skillset.
  3. Ask for feedback: When possible, get feedback from people who have interviewed with the same company before or have experience in the industry. They can offer insight into what types of questions are typically asked, how to approach them, and other tips on succeeding in a virtual job interview setting.
  4. Use online resources: There are lots of great online resources that can help you prepare for an interview including practice questionnaires, video tutorials, webinars, and more! Utilizing these tools is a great way to gain confidence ahead of time so that when it comes time for the real thing, you're feeling ready and prepared!

So there you have it! With some research, practice, feedback, and online resources at your disposal, there's no reason why you won't be able to ace your virtual job interview! Good luck!

13. Know What Not To Do During An Interview

Now that you know what resources are available to help prepare for your virtual job interview, you also need to know what not to do. During an interview, it's important to be aware of the things that could hurt your chances of getting the job.

Here are some tips on how to avoid making a bad impression during your virtual interview.

First, make sure you don't arrive late! If you're running late for any reason, let the interviewer know as soon as possible. Arriving late shows a lack of respect and can make a bad impression.

Also, make sure you turn off all electronic devices before the interview starts. Not only is this distracting but it can also give the interviewer the impression that you might not be taking the job seriously.

Second, it's important to remember not to talk too much during an interview. While it's important to answer questions thoroughly and provide relevant information when asked.

Talking too much can make you seem unprofessional and disorganized. Try to keep your answers concise and on-topic so that the interviewer can get all the information they need without having to listen through lengthy stories or explanations.

Third, try not to be too informal with the interviewer. Even though many interviews are conducted remotely now, it is still important to maintain professional etiquette throughout the conversation.

Avoid using slang words or informal language and avoid making jokes unless it is appropriate for the situation or requested by the interviewer themselves.

Finally, stay focused throughout your entire interview session! Don't let yourself become distracted by other things.

Like checking emails or scrolling through social media sites while waiting for answers from your interviewer. Or replying back with random comments unrelated to their questions. This will show them that you care about getting the job and take it seriously!

14. Post-Interview Checklist

After the interview, there are still some things you need to do! First, make sure you thank the interviewer for their time. You can do this with an email or a handwritten card.

Second, if you have any questions about the job or the company that wasn't answered during the interview, it's ok to reach out to the interviewer and ask them for more information.

Third, follow up with any references that may have been mentioned in your interview. Finally, take some time to reflect on your performance. Think about how you could have done better and focus on what you can do next time!

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Your Greatest Weakness?

When you're asked about your greatest weakness in a job interview, it can be tricky. You don't want to say something bad about yourself, but you also don't want to lie. It's important to pick the right answer that shows you're honest and self-aware. Here are some tips for what to do when faced with this question.

First of all, think carefully about the answer you give. Don't just blurt out anything - take some time to think about how best to express your weakness. Try to focus on something that isn't essential for the job you're applying for.

For example, if you're not great at public speaking, but the job doesn't involve any presentations, then that could be an acceptable answer.

Next, explain how you've been working on improving this weakness. Showing that you have a plan for dealing with it will demonstrate that it won't be an issue in future roles or tasks.

Be sure to mention any classes or workshops that you've taken or resources that have helped you become better at this particular skill or subject area.

It's also important to emphasize your strengths as well as weaknesses during the interview. Make sure to talk about what makes you stand out from other candidates and why they should hire you specifically for the role they are offering.

Highlight specific accomplishments from past jobs or extracurricular activities which demonstrate your expertise in certain areas and why this makes you suitable for the role being offered.

Finally, remember not to worry too much! A job interview is a conversation between two people and it's normal to feel nervous before one of these encounters.

But try not to let it show too much during your response time! Just take a few deep breaths before answering any questions and go into the situation confident in your own abilities and knowledge. Even if there may be areas where improvement is needed!

What Motivates You?

I'm often asked what motivates me. It's a great question because motivation is so important for success. I feel energized when I have a goal to work towards, and when I can see progress.

I also get motivated by the people around me. When they are working hard, it encourages me to do the same or even better!

It helps that I enjoy the challenge of learning new skills. Having something to learn keeps my motivation high, and it makes me feel like I'm never done growing.

Plus, it's satisfying to look back and see how far I've come over time. I'm also motivated by feeling valued.

When people appreciate my efforts, it reminds me why I'm doing all this work in the first place! That feeling of being part of something bigger than myself is very powerful and inspiring.

Finally, I find that taking breaks is key to staying motivated. Taking some time off from work gives me perspective on why it's important to stay focused on my goals and keep pushing forward.

So overall, having clear goals, learning new things, feeling appreciated, and taking breaks are what motivates me!

How Do You Handle Conflict In The Workplace?

When it comes to conflict in the workplace, I think it's important to stay calm and be rational. I try to figure out what the other person's point of view is and put myself in their shoes.

That way, I can understand where they're coming from and see if there's a way to negotiate a compromise. It's also important to listen carefully and be open-minded so both sides can come up with a solution that works for everyone.

I know conflicts can get heated, so it's important to keep my emotions in check. I try not to take things personally or let my anger get the best of me.

Instead, I focus on finding an outcome that will benefit everyone involved. This might mean talking through our differences until we come to an agreement or apologizing if needed.

Sometimes conflicts are unavoidable, but it doesn't have to turn into a shouting match. If I find myself getting frustrated, I take a few deep breaths and try not to let my emotions take over.

When we work together calmly, we can usually come up with a positive outcome that works for everyone.

No matter what the conflict may be about, being respectful is key. Respectful communication helps us all feel heard and understood so that everyone can move forward with solutions instead of more arguments.

How Do You Handle Working Under Pressure?

When it comes to working under pressure, I'm always up for the challenge. It's not easy to stay calm and focused when things get tough, but I'm used to functioning in high-stress environments. Here's how I handle it:

  • First, I recognize that stress is natural and take a few moments to pause and breathe.
  • This gives me a chance to refocus my energy on the task at hand.
  • It also helps me prioritize tasks and decide which ones need my attention first.
  • Then, I break down large tasks into smaller pieces so that they aren't overwhelming.
  • This makes difficult tasks more manageable and easier to complete.
  • It also allows me to focus on one thing at a time without feeling overwhelmed by all the work that needs to be done.

I also make sure to communicate with my team, asking for help when needed and making sure everyone is on the same page. Knowing what needs to be done makes it easier for me to stay organized and on track while working under pressure. Plus, having a team I can rely on helps keep morale high even in tough times!

Finally, I'm not afraid of failure; instead, I use mistakes as learning opportunities. This keeps me motivated while under pressure because I know that even if something doesn't go according to plan, there's always something new to learn from it.

What Have You Done To Improve Your Skills Or Knowledge In The Last Year?

When it comes to virtual job interviews, an important question you may be asked is what have you done to improve your skills or knowledge in the last year? This is a great way for employers to understand how motivated and self-driven you are.

I'm always looking for ways to expand my skills and knowledge. Last year, I took some online classes related to my field of work.

It was a great experience because I got to learn from experts in the industry. I also read books and articles on topics relevant to my profession. This helped me stay up-to-date on trends in the industry.

I've also attended conferences and workshops related to my field of work. These events gave me the opportunity to network with people in the same field as me and hear from inspiring speakers who shared their success stories. Attending these events also allowed me to learn about new products or services that could help me do my job better.

Finally, I've utilized social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook to strengthen my professional network and stay connected with other professionals in the industry.

This has been a great way for me to gain valuable insights into current trends and developments in my field of work.

In short, I'm constantly working on improving myself so that I can be at the top of my game when it comes to virtual job interviews!


It's important to be prepared for a virtual job interview. There are some tips you can use to make sure that your interview goes as smoothly as possible.

First, make sure that you know the answers to common questions like “What is your greatest weakness?” or “How do you handle working under pressure?” Practice these answers ahead of time so that you feel confident during the interview.

Second, be sure to dress professionally and set up your workspace in an organized way. The interviewer will be able to see what is behind you during the interview. So make sure it looks neat and professional.

Finally, take some time before the interview to research the company. So that you can ask meaningful questions at the end of the interview.

Showing initiative and interest in the company will go a long way. Towards making a good impression and possibly landing the job!

Reynaldo Patino
Reynaldo Patino

Active Blogger, Digital Marketing Specialist, Website/Graphics Designer, Shopify Theme Developer, Forex/ASX Stock Trader. Connect with me on LinkedIn

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