5 Best Remote Work From Home Jobs in 2021

5 Best Remote Work From Home Jobs in 2021 | remote job | Exprosearch Posted Job

Work from home jobs is becoming common nowadays since the coronavirus pandemic, it has changed the way companies adapt to the community rules in places such as social distancing and travel restrictions. Call center employers affected also are cutting down budgets on commercial rentals and transitioning employees for remote work from home instead of office spaces.

Why would you travel back forth to your job in congested traffic, risking yourself in contact with crowded people especially commuting in public transport when all you need is a laptop with an internet connection?

Work From Home Benefits and Advantages | remote job | Exprosearch Posted Job

Work from home benefits and advantages

  1. It's a no-brainer that you will save tons of money on travel costs, if you have a car imagine the amount of money saved on fuel? Also the time it takes to get back and forth to your workplace.
  2. No need to buy food for lunch and snacks when you can eat and cook at home. This is also a healthier choice since home-cooked foods are simpler and less processed than bought food in snack bars or restaurants.
  3. You can work anytime in the day or night, and how many hours you are willing to spend on to earn the income you want. This works really well if you are a night-owl like me, months ago I used to have to wake up early in the morning to get ready for work, now I can start late in the morning and still get my job done.
  4. You can have multiple jobs at the same time and increase the amount of income you can generate. If you are a multi-skilled person like me, you can work in various jobs and earn multiple sources of income. As the saying goes, to be financially successful in life you need to have multiple sources of income.
  5. Another good advantage of work from home opportunities is spending more time with your family. You can enjoy the work you do while also be closer to your kids or loved ones.

All you need is a good internet connection with a desktop computer or a laptop and some space at home where you can focus on your work. Nowadays, anyone can be employed at home or any location with a computer, webcam and a decent wifi speed.

It's why this article will show you the best work-from-home jobs to transition from working in an office setting to becoming your own boss, working for yourself, and make more income.

Looking at recruitment Facebook groups and forums searches, most opportunities about work-from-home jobs discuss the same low-paying, part-time jobs that often are considered not fun and often times scams.

These are examples:

  • Survey fillers
  • Live clothing seller
  • Games streamer
  • Cell phone loaders
  • Online recruiter
  • Home data entry
  • Virtual call center representative
  • Virtual assistant
  • Home customer care
  • Administrative assistant
  • Home customer support agent; customer service representative
  • The most common pyramid scheme like crypto referrals.

For a number of years working in various industries, I experienced from minimum wage, low-level entry paying jobs to land a high paying online job which lead me to start my own business which is why I want to share with you the best work from home jobs for this season.

What are the best Work From Home in the Philippines | remote job | Exprosearch Posted Job

What Are the Best Work From Home Jobs in the Philippines?

Anyone working in the BPO(Business Process Outsourcing) in the Philippines typically has a salary agreement pay monthly, trading our time for money on most jobs. The average call center agent salary per month ranges from the minimum entry-level of 11,000 Php to about 30,000 Php per month.

So with the best work-from-home options, the opportunities are limitless and you can make just as much working for yourself with these high-paying jobs I'm about to discuss below.

Here are 5 tested legitimate work with flexible hours that you can use to make money from home in your free time.

What are the best Work From Home in the Philippines | remote job | Exprosearch Posted Job

Best Work From Home Job Is A Digital Marketing Freelancer

I started digital marketing about 5 years ago when starting Exprosearch Recruitment, if I never had this business I would never learn any digital marketing skills. Later on to work as a digital marketing manager on a clothing brand, and have managed various start-up businesses as a freelancer before having my own digital marketing agency business.

I am telling you from experience about digital marketing freelance, it's an amazing option for you to grow your career, develop new skills, expand your network, and fall in love with your work.

With a lot of companies struggle with the global crisis, online marketing has never been in such high demand. There is an actual skill shortage that companies cannot fill, getting into this industry is a great way to use your creative and analytical skills to help companies grow.

Not to mention, the inflation and rising cost of paid advertising, companies are pouring tons of money into outsourcing their digital marketing tasks and the best thing is you don't need to be a university graduate to become one.

If this sounds like a good opportunity for you, here is a guide on how to start your digital marketing freelance journey. Learn how to start, develop the skills you need, and what to expect in terms of salary.

What skills should a digital marketing freelance learn?

A digital marketer requires to have a broad range of specialized skills needed so you should focus on a skill that you are passionate about whether it's Search Engine Optimizations(SEO), Pay per click specialist(PPC), Social media advertising expert(Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, or Tiktok ads), Content Writing(copywriting blogs or sales ads), Email marketer, and Conversion Rate Optimizations analyst.

Here is what I recommend a digital marketing freelancer should have in their skillset.

Social Media Advertising Expert / Social Ads Acquisition Specialist | Job Hiring | Exprosearch Posted Job

#1 Social Media Advertising Expert / Social Ads Acquisition Specialist

If you want to learn quickly and get paid with the quickest results, this is the first digital marketing skill you should learn. Managing social ads get the quickest instant results if the marketing strategy you are using works well.

Social media marketing is what can provide value for most clients as what they initially need in the start to get instant results. Employers will usually praise you that grow their sales or service instantly, without having too much effort and time into managing the advertising.

You can quickly build up multiple employers, and manage multiple businesses using social ads such as Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, Snapchat, or Pinterest Ads and work remotely virtually anywhere.

Where to learn social media advertising?

If you currently have no budget to pay for courses right now, then there are lots of free content on YouTube on how to learn social media advertising.

Just a quick browse on YouTube and you will see so many free courses on Facebook Ads and Facebook Marketing Mastery. The free course is given to you there are no excuses not to learn, you just need to utilize your time to learn.

youtube facebook ads marketing search

Facebook also provides free courses on how to become a certified Facebook Ads digital marketer.

How much can I earn for social media advertising?

Advertising agencies can charge anywhere between 20k Php up to 50k Php per month for managing social media advertising. You can easily enter this market by offering a lower fee than agencies, or better yet, offer the fee based on your results just to get your initial experience.

You can easily manage ads for one employer and work very few hours per day and earn similar to a full-time call center agent, what a better way to do remote work and work from home right?

Pay Per Click Specialist / Google and Youtube Ads Acquisition Specialist | Job Hiring | Exprosearch Posted Job

#2 Pay Per Click Specialist / Google and Youtube Ads Acquisition Specialist

Google Ads is the pioneer of digital advertising, it started out back in the dot com era and has evolved and still leading the way at the top of digital advertising for instant results. This is where you can get into the marketing game as an expert if you master this skill.

I learned this digital marketing skill after understanding social advertising, it actually complements and enhances the results for social media advertising as it targets the different states of the customer. To put it in simple terms, using both PPC and social advertising can generate better results than using only one platform.

Google Ads provides amazing results depending on the strategy you use, but a lot of small businesses and brands find it hard to navigate and operate the technical side of Google Ads, so it can become tedious and that's why companies are offering more careers to those who want a full-time job in PPC.

If you can acquire a client by proving that you can at least increase their sales or increase their customers by 20% this is a great digital marketing skill you can offer to improve the company's growth and enjoy remote work virtually anywhere.

Where do I learn PPC advertising?

Again, there are so many free courses available on YouTube, let do a quick search and see what shows up on YouTube search for PPC Google Ads Mastery

youtube search for ppc google ads mastery

The best value for money on a paid course for Google Ads right now I would recommend this course Ultimate Google Ads Training 2020: Profit with Pay Per Click by Isaac Rudansky in Udemy

Ultimate Google Ads Training 2020: Profit with Pay Per Click

How much can I earn for managing Google advertising?

You can earn more for managing Google Ads, most digital marketing agencies charge between 20k to 100k Php and some even charge for the percentage of revenue earnings. Google Ads is a more expertise type of job, the difficulty of setting up accounts, structuring strategies, and the keyword research involved in this job takes a lot more effort than your normal social media ads.

So you can easily charge a freelancing fee of anywhere starting from 20k Php and above. Just depending on how experienced you are you can go higher and provide better results for the growth you can provide. This leads us to the next skill that is related to Google Ads and provides long-term solutions for companies.

Search Engine Optimization Specialist / Content Writer | Job Hiring | Exprosearch Posted Job

#3 Search Engine Optimization Specialist / Content Writer

Look everywhere online and what you see is all content, the whole digital environment runs on content whether it is in video, articles, or audio. Being able to learn how to generate content and also figure out the complexities of search engine optimizations can be a really great addition to your skillset as both combined together are the most sought job on growing companies long term.

Unlike social media marketing where it can provide instant results, SEO takes time to obtain results, it can even take months before results show.

Large corporations invest heavily in content marketing, as this is more like an investment and improves the growth of companies over time. Employers are always hiring people educated in search engine optimizations and recruiting people who are exceptionally well at copywriting.

How to become a Search Engine Optimization Specialist?

To get into these working from home services, you must learn how to do keyword research, learn different types of copywriting, learn how to use common SEO tools, learn courses on technical SEO and finally learn how to be organized and follow content calendars with the use of project management tools.

The best platform to look for free courses is of course YouTube, let's do a quick search on YouTube about Search Engine Optimization Mastery and see what videos appear.

YouTube Search Engine Optimization Mastery

This job also requires a number amount of tools needed to help with domain, keyword, and content research. Let's do a quick search on YouTube also to see what free online courses are available to help with finding the Best SEO Tools.

Youtube Best SEO Tools

This industry is constantly evolving so you need to keep learning the different techniques and algorithm changes. The marketing strategy you learn from videos last year would probably not perform effectively now, so you need to keep up to date with the latest tips and strategies.

How much can I earn freelancing as an SEO Expert?

The good thing about an SEO expert is that it needs time to perform, so you can make a deal with an employer with at least a 3 to 6 months agreement to see if the strategy performs well. Typically, a digital marketing agency will charge 20k up to 100k Php per month for this service. So doing some maths, you can easily charge a company 20k times 3 months = 60k Php upfront payment to get the initial job.

This type of work from home job is so much better than working as a customer service representative where you can earn in advance. If you find this job passionate then I would recommend this as one of the best remote work home jobs.

Email Marketing Specialist | Exprosearch Posted Job

#4 Email Marketing Specialist

As the saying goes "the money is in the list", most digital marketers will know this term. Email marketing can have so much impact on revenue for a company when it is implemented correctly. As much as up to 30%-50% of revenue can come from emails, think about a company that has a revenue of 6-7 figures how much revenue can potentially be generated from emails.

Having this skill of creating newsletters, email blasts, and as a way to communicate and connect with customers is so important for any company. That is why is it a very underrated but really important experience to have training on email marketing.

A lot more and more BPO companies are hiring full-time job seekers for email marketing as they know this power of increasing a companies revenue. This is why you will benefit from knowing this knowledge and add this skill to your remote job ammunition.

As an email marketing freelancer, this requires you to have knowledge of technology such as the popular email marketing software called Mailchimp, Klaviyo, Salesforce, Hubspot, Sendinblue, Getresponse, and etc.

You will dramatically improve your copywriting skills once you have mastered the art of email marketing which will lead to further improve your other areas in digital marketing and employers are always hiring jobs in this group.

How to get started on becoming an email marketing specialist?

A lot of effort is needed to learn this job, you would need to have mastered a stack of talents to be an advantage to other freelancers. For example, an email has foundations of graphics, copywriting, website HTML coding, and strategy for deployment.

  1. This means you need to have an eye for graphic design and would need to learn how to use popular graphics tools such as Adobe Photoshop or Corel Draw.
  2. You need to learn the art of copywriting and have some knowledge of neuro-linguistic programming. Expressing words to make people action is one of the most powerful talents you can offer to a company.
  3. Be able to edit an email template using HTML coding, means you need to have knowledge of website programming.
  4. Having a killer strategy for email deployment is usually one of the top secrets and very hard to obtain on the internet.

As always, there are tons of courses available at your disposal on YouTube, let's do a quick search on Email Marketing Automation Mastery.

YouTube Email Marketing Automation Mastery

Although, one of the better courses available to learn this is a paid course on Udemy Email Marketing Mastery

Udemy Email Marketing Mastery

How much can I earn as an email marketing specialist?

You can definitely earn more with this type of work-from-home career, you can charge per talent on your fees. For example, a fee for graphics designing image layouts, another fee for sales copywriting, an additional fee for custom HTML coding or package it up for the whole group of talents and charge a percentage of revenue for performance base.

A marketing agency would typically charge companies anywhere from 50k Php to 150k Php per month for larger corporations. On the Payscale website, the average salary for an email marketing specialist in the Philippines typically earns 25kPhp per month or an average of 303k Php per year.

Set your pricing right as a freelancer for remote work and enjoy the fruits of your work-from-home jobs. This leads us to the last digital marketing job that is also in demand but not many job seekers are willing to be an expert in specializing.

#5 Conversion Rate Optimization Analyst

If you have a passion for data analysis, a conversion rate optimization analyst could be a technology industry you want to be a part of. Understanding website data in order to make valuable marketing decisions is a very in-demand skill.

Analytics experts analyze traffic reports from websites to understand the flow of customer journeys and website user behaviors. Pair this with a website programming skill and be able to make changes to a website landing page to improve the conversion rate and you be a highly valued team member of any technology company.

Why I learned how to read a website's programming language, modify the codes, and combined it with analytical skills was to dramatically improve the company's revenue growth that I worked for.

How do I learn to become a conversion rate optimization specialist?

The most basic analytical tools that you should learn is how to use Google analytics, lots of resources on the internet to start learning this and offer as part of your freelance services. There are many other apps and tools that also can be of advantage if you already have knowledge.

Example website tools such as Hotjar, Kissmetrics, Lucky Orange, and Crazy Egg to name a few.

Similar to a website programmer, knowledge in HTML and CSS coding is a massive advantage

Let's do a quick search on YouTube to see what courses are available for Conversion Rate Optimization Mastery

How much can I earn for freelancing as a conversion rate optimization specialist?

Careers like these require highly specialized talent but also comes with high compensation. Websites like Onlinejobs.ph are hiring people that offer up to 40k Php to 70k Php per month, in websites like Fiverr freelancers charge anywhere between 500Php to 5k Php for website analysis.

Other than these skills, there are a ton of other digital marketing jobs in areas like graphics designing, marketing manager, project management, etc.

Now, this is what you need to know.

digital marketing specialists | Exprosearch Posted Job

Where can you find work-from-home jobs for digital marketing specialists?

There are lots of freelance websites where you can list your remote services for free, I would recommend increasing your skillsets first and then offer your services free or for a lesser fee just to get industry experience. Education, knowledge, and experience is a huge advantage to your resume, opportunities will come your way sooner if have those.

Best Freelance Sites To Start Offering Your Digital Marketing Services:

  1. Fiverr
  2. Onlinejobs.ph
  3. Upwork
  4. Outsourcely.com
  5. Freelancer.com

I have covered the five best digital marketing remote jobs you can do virtually anywhere, I hope this will help you start on your journey to freelancing. These are just my recommendations and there are certainly a lot more remote jobs you can do at home. I will cover more in the next articles other freelancing jobs that can earn just as much as these digital marketing jobs covered above. If you have any suggestions or topics you would like me to cover, please comment below your requests.

Reynaldo Patino
Reynaldo Patino

Active Blogger, Digital Marketing Specialist, Website/Graphics Designer, Shopify Theme Developer, Forex/ASX Stock Trader. Connect with me on LinkedIn

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